Honours and Awards
Recipient of several national, international, and other awards in domains of DigiTech and Engineering, including the National Engineering Excellence Award. A list of outstanding awards received are:
CSSL ICT Student Award - Postgraduate Category, National ICT Awards, Sri Lanka (2021).
Green ThinkerZ - Top 100 International Distinguished Researchers Award, The Green ThinkerZ Society, India (2020).
[In recognition of contribution to social sustainability through cutting-edge Information and Communication Technology-based research.]
Highly Commended Submission, CIB c4SMC Collective Sensemaking Research Competition, Western Sydney University, Australia (2020).
IRSD - I2OR Preeminent Engineer Award 2019, 4th International Convention on Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development, India (2020).
[In recognition of the distinguished contribution to the field of Information Technology.]
Centre for Smart Modern Construction Postgraduate Research - Scholarship for Doctor of Philosophy (in Engineering) higher degree program, Western Sydney University, Australia (2018 - 2022).
Young Researcher Award, International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development, India (2017).
[In recognition of the outstanding contribution to the field of Information Technology.]
I2OR - Bright Researcher Award, International Institute of Organized Research, India (2017).
[In recognition of the outstanding contribution to the field of ERP Systems.]
Green ThinkerZ - Outstanding Researcher Award, The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development, India (2016).
[In recognition of the contribution to environmental and social sustainability through Open-source technologies.]
Bright Researcher Award, International Conference on Advances in Computer Science, Electronics & Communication Technologies, Thailand (2016).
[In recognition of the outstanding contribution to the field of Education & Technology in the IT sector.]
Outstanding Researcher Award, International Conference on Advancements in Engineering, Technology and Management, Thailand (2015).
[In recognition of the outstanding contribution to the ICT sector as a young Engineer.]
Young Chartered Engineer Award, National Engineering Excellence Awards, Sri Lanka (2013).
[Selected as the best engineer in Sri Lanka under 35 years old in the IT and communication sector in recognition of outstanding contribution to the industry, academia and society.]
Dean’s List, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (2006).
Colours awardee and Gold medalist for sports, Annual Colours Awards Ceremony, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (2005).
Special Merit Award with a Gold medal on outstanding results in the Physical Science stream in the Annual Prize Giving, Bandaranayake Central College, Veyangoda, Sri Lanka (2002).